Monday, February 18, 2013

Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Muffins

My friends over at Gaspari Nutrition recently were kind enough to send my some of their MyoFusion Elite Protein Powder.  Not just any protein powder, but PEANUT BUTTER COOKIE DOUGH y'all!  I couldn't WAIT to try it.  I immediately made a post workout smoothie with this stuff as soon as I got it.  I mixed a scoop of the 25g protein powder with a cup of unsweetened almond milk and 1/2 of a frozen banana with a few ice cubes.  I blended it all together and it was incredibly delicious.  Very much a sweet post workout treat.  I knew right then and there I just had to bake with it.  And today, that is exactly what I did.  I decided to use it in an existing muffin recipe to kick it up a notch.  So I took my favorite Healthier Dark Chocolate Muffin recipe and added a scoop of the protein powder to it before baking.  The result was so much better than my original recipe that I had to blog about it.....immediately!  Sadly, they are all gone because my kids had some friends over today and they enjoyed them to the end.  Must.make.more.tomorrow.

So here is the recipe for your baking pleasure:

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

February "ABtastic" Challenge

For the month of February, we have a challenge going over at Fit and Healthy with Debbie Reichert!  It's going to be ABtastic!

Just follow the calendar below and you will certainly be feeling the abdominal burn immediately.  Keep it up all month long, along with clean and healthy eating and you will be one step closer to your bathing suit goal.

Enjoy and let me know how it goes! Please see the video I shot below detailing each exercise listed in the challenge.