Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thankful for my fans GIVEAWAY!

As Thanksgiving week is upon us, I am taking a moment to reflect on how thankful I am for my awesome Facebook followers!  What better way to do that than to offer an awesome giveaway for them!!  Therefore, I've teamed up with three amazing companies to bring you a fantastic giveaway this week.  You will have from November 18th through November 23rd to enter and you can come back EVERY DAY for additional entries.  Here's the scoop:

One lucky winner is going to win THREE great items:

1. A GymBoss Interval Timer - so great to have for interval training!  It can be used as a repeating interval timer, countdown timer or a stopwatch.

Make sure to check out the video clip below for an interval workout I put together using this timer.  It's a great workout that you can do at home.  I took 6 exercises (burpees, air squats, spiderman planks, wall sit with bicep curl, split lunge jumps, tricep dips) and worked them into a circuit doing 50 seconds of work for each exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest before moving right into the next exercise.  For optimal results, go through this circuit 3 to 5 rounds. 

2.  A sweatshirt of your choice from Abundant Heart Apparel.  Those of you that have been following me for awhile know how much I love this company.  It's high quality and original.....just like you ;)  You know you want this Burpees Forever version!!

3.  Lastly, one lucky winner will receive an adorable hand knitted headband just in time for the cold weather that is coming upon us.  These beauties are made by my dear friend Kellie over at Ollie Bee Knits.  There are many colors to choose from and they are so soft, warm and cozy!!  Perfect for any outdoor activity.

To earn entries in the giveaway you MUST go to each companies Facebook page and "like" them (that is mandatory), AND you can earn ADDTIONAL ENTRIES every day by simply following the directions below.  Best of luck to you! Have a great week!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Love the GymBoss giveaway!

  2. Uhm...Abundant apparel is awesome and I don't own any - so that's probably my fave - styles are super cute and with the cold weather here, I would LOVE one of her sweatshirts for my early morning/late evening RUNS!!!!!
    Thanks for the AWESOME GIVEAWAY :)

  3. I have been wanting a GYmboss for a long time....but I love those sweatshirts, so cute!

  4. Abundant Apparel is my favorite. Super cute styles and I love sweatshirts!

  5. I think Gymboss would be my fave, it looks like such a useful product!

  6. I have always wanted a gymboss this would be great! I woudln't have to you my cell phone for a timer anymore:)
    Missie McLagan

  7. I would love any of these products. hopeful for a chance to win

  8. i love the headband, super cute.

  9. I love my Abundant Heart tanks...I need more of their apparel! The Gmyboss I have always wanted, no more using my phone for a timer! In Ohio who couldn't use a cute headband?!

  10. Awesome, can't wait!!

  11. Hooray - this is so fun! Love all of these products! I too am especially tired of using my cell phone as a time - Gymboss is probably my favorite "useful" product. The sweatshirt and the headband are just too cute!! Thanks for this opportunity Debbie:)

  12. All three are great prizes. Gym boss are great tools...always love new clothes and the headbands and just adorable.

  13. My fav would be the sweatshirt...
    Denise :)

  14. I love them all, but the shirts are awesome!

  15. Gymboss looks great! Thanks Debbie for all your inspiration!

  16. It's too hard to decide on one product but I do have to say Kellie's headbands are darling!!

  17. I'm glad Gina sent me to your page! You are great inspiration!

  18. I think the headband is my favorite for cool weather workouts.

  19. My fave would be an awesome sweatshirt from Abundant Heart because I love the sayings :)

  20. My fav is gymboss!!! I really need

  21. LOVE the sweatshirt and shirts in her shop!~

  22. I love the sweatshirt!!

  23. What a great giveaway! Fingers crossed!

  24. Love all 3 items! Great giveaways! I'm extra motivated! :)

  25. Love the abundent heart apparel!
