Friday, August 17, 2012

LEG DAY - Nuff said.....

I've decided to put some additional emphasis on my leg training.  I'm not getting the results that I would like to see in my lower body so I've put a plan in place to fix that.  Easy enough....increase my lower body workouts (it's not rocket science people......)

So I started today.  I needed some cardio so I picked a cardio workout revolving around my legs (spinning) and then put together some supersets for my legs and back (lat muscles need some attention as well).  As always, had to throw in some core ;)  So here is the workout.  Try it and I hope you enjoy it.

Debbie's Make Your Legs BURN Workout 
(and throw in some back work as well)

45 minutes of spin class (a run would be a great replacement here as well)

Supersets (12 reps each exercise)
Squats - I used a 50 lb. bar
Alternating leg step ups (holding 15 lb. dumb bell in each hand)
Repeat Superset

Supersets (12 reps each exercise)
Alternating forward stepping lunges (15 lb. dumb bell in each hand)
 Bent over standing rows (10 lb. dumb bell each hand)
Repeat Superset

Supersets (12 reps each exercise)
Lat pull downs (55 lbs.)

10 Burpees

25 boat crunches
25 double crunches

10 Burpees

1 minute forearm plank
1 minute side plank (L)
1 minute side plank (R)

10 Burpees

Right now I'm feeling okay.  I cannot comment at this time if I'll be walking tomorrow. HA!!!  

Seriously though, if I can keep up with these types of leg workouts at least twice a week, along with all of my other workouts, I think I'll start to see the changes that I am looking for.  I'll keep you posted!!

In Good Health,


  1. Wow! That's amazing. I need to up my game for sure.

  2. Trust me Jen, this is new for me. I typically do a lot of HIIT workouts, combining my cardio and strength all wrapped up in a nice little hour. But since I'm not quite where I want to be with my legs, I needed to switch it up a bit and do some more concentrated work on my legs and glutes. I'm excited to see some changes!!
