Monday, July 9, 2012

Tabata style Ab circuit

Happy Monday Fit and Healthy Crew!  For July's challenge, I promised that I would give you 3 different ab circuits to do each week.  If you have been following me for awhile, then you know my latest passion  obsession interest is the Tabata style workouts.  For those of you that are unfamiliar with this style, let me quickly give you a recap.

"Traditional" Tabata training is actually a type of High Intensity Interval Training (aka. HIIT training) that follows a very specific format.  It includes the following:
  • 20 seconds of a very high intensity exercise (e.g., sprints)
  • 10 seconds of rest
  • Repeat 8 times for a total of 4 minutes

Now, this is all information for another time........I have a whole other blog in the works just about Tabatas.  But today, we are going to discuss abs!  So, I've decided to play around with the Tabata style a bit and create an ab workout that focuses around that 20/10 split.  I like the idea of doing an exercise for 20 seconds, resting for 10 and then hitting another exercise.  I can go through that circuit a good 4 times without getting bored, before I get to hit another circuit.  Keep in mind, this is not your traditional Tabata HIIT style, so you're probably not going to get your heart rate up to maximum intensity, but that is not the point here.  We're working on our abs, not sprinting.  This particular ab circuit would really be a great warm-up to any of your cardio or strength training workouts!  

So, this is what I came up with for today.  I think it's a nice twist to the previous 3 circuits I posted on Fit and Healthy With Debbie Reichert last week.  Let me know what you think and if you like this format I'll shoot you a few more originals throughout the month.

If you do not currently have a tabata timer, you can download one to your smart phone or use the one at

In Good Health,

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