Monday, June 3, 2013

Yes, I sell supplements............And I'm ready to talk about it

It's time for me to come clean.  I am an Advocare Distributor.  And I'm no longer afraid to talk about it.    

Here's the deal.  I've been using a few AdvoCare supplements for approximately 2 years, right around the time I became a fitness professional.  About a year ago I became a distributor simply to get the discount on the products.  Eight months ago I started my own personal training business. At that time I was very nervous when it came to talking to my clients and Facebook fans about my relationship with AdvoCare.  I didn't want to be known as the "Supplement Pusher."  You know what I'm talking about.....That fan page you love to follow, but has a post every other hour about a shake or pill you "Just gotta try because it will change your life forever......"  So in order to NOT be labeled I chose to not talk about my distributorship AT ALL.........until this past March.  What changed you ask? Why did I decide to start talking?"  

Here is why......I am a distributor with a great company with an amazing product that I LOVE and what business did I have to keep all of that goodness to myself? 

I truly wanted to share information with others and let them see for themselves what the products could do for them.  In April I coached 25 people through the Advocare 24 Day Challenge.  I'm currently coaching 22 more as we speak. People are losing weight, losing inches and feeling overall healthier than they ever have in their lives. Even my husband lost 18 pounds after taking the challenge and is feeling better than ever.  I made him a true believer and he even went to an event we had here in Columbus last week to hear more about what the company has to offer.  Here we are with the #3 AdvoCare car at the meeting. Very cool right?

The Advocare 24 Day Challenge is a great way for people new to Advocare to get to use some of the most popular products and truly learn about clean eating principals.  This 24 days is just long enough to begin creating new habits and get rid of some old ones.  And after the 24 days most people get a feel for some of their favorite products and continue to use them and they become a wonderful addition to their daily regimen.  Coaching these two large groups has been so fulfilling to me.  Watching people transform themselves for the better and being so thankful to me for introducing them to AdvoCare has made me realize that I did the right thing by "coming out of the dark."  Honestly, I felt like I was cheating my fans and clients by not sharing with them something that is a very important part of my business and my life.

Now all of that said, I still don't use a lot of supplements.  I believe in EATING THE FOOD! So you are not going to see me doing a meal replacement shake everyday.  However, we have a really good one, so on days I'm rushed getting out of the house for a 5:30 a.m. client, these shakes come in super handy!  It's the perfect blend of protein and carbs that keeps me going until my next meal/snack in 2 1/2 to 3 hours.  On those occasions where I feel a head ache coming on, typically due to seasonal allergies, rather than grabbing the Advil bottle, I reach for this instead.  Two O2 Gold advanced tablets taken with a glass of Rehydrate aids in my headaches 9 times out of 10.  Plus, the Rehydrate is great after a super sweaty workout.

But my two all time favorite supplements that I take EVERY SINGLE DAY, are Spark and Catalyst!  Spark is my vitamin and amino acid energy supplement.  Absolutely no jitters here, but complete alertness and mental focus!  And Catalyst is my BCAA (branch chain amino acid) which I feel has truly helped me maintain muscle mass during exercise and weight management.  I may even give Catalyst some credit for my sculpted arms.  It is by far my most recommended supplement to my clients looking for some help in the leaning and toning department.

My friend Phil began his weight loss journey with Advocare and lost 25 pounds in the 24 day challenge.  This led him a total 100 pound weight loss and a career with AdvoCare that has allowed he and his wife to pay off $60,000 in debt over the last 2 years.

Many supplements are safe to take during pregnancy.  Here is a picture of my friend Bekah, one pregnancy NOT using AdvoCare supplements and the other with some help from AdvoCare.

And when I was looking to get some more muscle definition, I looked to Catalyst for a little help.  I've been taking it once a day for a year and have never been happier with my muscle definition, energy levels and overall feeling of wellness.


And then of course there is the business side of AdvoCare.  To help people and profit from it at the same time.  It is truly a blessing in my life and I'm no longer afraid to talk to people about it.  It's never my intention to push supplements on anyone.  However, if people ask I'll happily point them in the right direction. Whether it's the product or the business opportunity people are interested in, I can help.

All that said, I'll still never be THAT FAN PAGE that posts every day about their magic shake or pill.  In fact, most people that follow me don't even know I'm a distributor.  I just felt like I wanted to take a moment and speak about it because I frequently get asked about what supplements to take.  If you want to hear more or have any questions, feel free to contact me through here or my Facebook page, Fit and Healthy with Debbie Reichert.

In Good Health,
Debbie     My AdvoCare site

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